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favorite people!
Thanks to your awesome site my gear no longer rolls around in the back of my Jeep. I used your easy site to design a rectangle molle panel for the interior of my JK and mounted most of my recovery and first aid gear to it
Tyler M.San Jose, CA
I had never even thought about using my spare tire for gear storage until I used your website to perfectly size my molle panel to my spare tire on my rear swing arm. I used your steel material for the added strength and ordered it in a raw finish to later use bed liner for extra protection. I’m super happy with the customer experience and even happier with the functionality of the product. Next I plan on ordering a large square panel for interior ceiling storage in my wife’s X-Terra.
Otto P.Round Rock, TX
I’ve always used milk crates bungeed to my truck tailgate to keep odds and ends from moving around my truck bed. The tail gate panel I ordered was a perfect fit and super easy to install. Thank you so much. I’ll be back for more.
Rick R.Phoenix, AZ